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How to setup CI/CD process with preview environments?

Platform CI CD



Introducing CI/CD: The Future of Software Deployment

In the dynamic world of software development, speed, reliability, and consistency are paramount. This is where CI/CD, or Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, emerges as a game-changer. But before diving deep into its mechanics and how we implement it at Jalan Technologies, let’s understand its essence and the pivotal role it plays in ensuring flawless software delivery.

Imagine an application designed to showcase users a list of TODO tasks. A user desires a new capability: the ability to delete a task. Now, consider the traditional approach an engineer might take: tweaking the code, testing it locally, committing changes, and then manually updating the production server. Sounds straightforward? But lurking beneath are numerous pitfalls:

  1. Conflict Management: Parallel development means multiple engineers may be altering the code simultaneously, leading to potential conflicts.
  2. Code Quality & Security: An unintentional oversight can result in committing insecure or substandard code.
  3. Functionality Breakage: A seemingly innocent change could inadvertently disrupt an existing feature.
  4. Downtime: Updating the production server often necessitates halting operations, causing unwarranted service disruptions.

While the aforementioned challenges are just the tip of the iceberg, they underscore the intricacies involved in software deployment.

Enter the CI/CD process.

This systematic approach streamlines the development pipeline, ensuring that code changes are automatically tested, integrated, and deployed in a controlled manner.

Navigating Our CI/CD Framework: An Insightful Overview

GitHub Action: Powering Our CI/CD Pipeline At the heart of our CI/CD orchestration lies GitHub Action, a versatile platform that automates our development lifecycle, ensuring smooth transitions from code to deployment.

SonarQube: Upholding Code Excellence SonarQube stands as a beacon for code quality, integrating seamlessly within our workflows. This automatic review tool delves deep into our codebase, detecting potential bugs, vulnerabilities, and inefficiencies, thereby championing the cause of clean, robust code. Its integration is pivotal, providing real-time insights and fostering continuous improvements.

DockerHub: The Hub of Build Images DockerHub serves as our trusted repository, housing build images that encapsulate our applications. It’s a testament to consistency, ensuring that every build is accessible, reliable, and ready for deployment across environments.

The Doppler Secret Manager: Safeguarding Secrets, Enhancing Security Ensuring the sanctity of our secrets is paramount, and the Doppler Secret Manager shines in this regard. This cloud-centric service offers a secure vault for secrets, enabling seamless integration within our Kubernetes containers and bolstering security across environments.

DigitalOcean & Kubernetes: A Symphony of Scalability Orchestrating our Kubernetes clusters, DigitalOcean exemplifies scalability and performance optimization. Its synergy with DockerHub ensures swift provisioning of containers, laying the foundation for applications that are both scalable and efficient.



SonarQube in Action The analysis phase witnesses the prowess of SonarQube. Each pull request initiates an automatic scan, with SonarQube meticulously evaluating code integrity. The insights gleaned are then relayed within the PR comments, facilitating informed decision-making and prompt remediation.


Crafting Docker Images This pivotal phase culminates in the creation of Docker images, tailored for their respective environments, encapsulating the essence of our applications.


Ensuring Code & Test Integrity The check phase is multifaceted, employing Docker Buildx for multi-image building. Concurrently, our system undertakes:

  1. Deployment and linting, ensuring code adherence.
  2. Execution of tests and generation of succinct summaries.
  3. End-to-end tests, validating system integrity and performance.
    code coverage



Seamless Integration & Deployment

  • Doppler Setup: Integration of the Doppler CLI facilitates secure interactions with secrets and configurations.
  • DigitalOcean Setup: The DigitalOcean CLI ensures seamless interactions with DigitalOcean services, tailored for specific teams.
  • Kubernetes Setup: Streamlining Kubernetes management, this phase adds credentials to the local kubeconfig, empowering kubectl to manage clusters with precision.
  • Kubernetes Deployment: Culminating the deploy phase, this step orchestrates the deployment of Kubernetes configurations, ensuring applications are primed for their respective environments.
    cicd deploy
In essence, our CI/CD framework, fortified by a suite of advanced tools and meticulous phases, epitomizes our commitment to delivering excellence, ensuring applications that are robust, scalable, and secure.
But CI/CD is not an isolated solution; it’s part of a larger ecosystem. Just as CI/CD automates deployment, monitoring ensures the health and performance of the deployed applications. Introducing log monitoring.


Harnessing Log Monitoring with Datadog:

In fast-paced digital landscape, real-time insights and rapid response mechanisms are paramount. Enter log monitoring tools like Datadog, designed not only to capture the nuances of system activities but also to seamlessly integrate with collaboration platforms like MS Teams.

Why is this Integration Crucial?

  1. Immediate Alerting: When anomalies or critical events are detected within logs, Datadog can trigger alerts directly to MS Teams channels. This real-time notification ensures that relevant MS Teams members are instantly informed, fostering swift action and reducing response times.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Integrating log monitoring with collaboration tools facilitates streamlined communication. MS Teams members can discuss, triage, and resolve issues collaboratively, leveraging the collective expertise of the team.
  3. Centralized Visibility: By funneling alerts from Datadog into MS Teams, organizations can maintain a centralized view of system health and performance. This unified dashboard ensures that all stakeholders have a holistic understanding, fostering alignment and shared accountability.
  4. Efficient Incident Management: Rapid communication is pivotal during incidents. With Datadog’s alerting capabilities integrated into MS Teams, incident response teams can coordinate effectively, allocate resources efficiently, and restore services promptly.

In essence, leveraging tools like Datadog for log monitoring and integrating them with platforms like MS Teams transcends operational efficiency—it cultivates a culture of collaboration, agility, and proactive problem-solving, ensuring that organizations remain resilient and responsive in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Log Monitoring Excellence with Datadog

Harnessing the capabilities of Datadog, our chosen log management platform, we’ve streamlined the process of monitoring system activities. Its intuitive integration with MS Teams ensures that the right teams or channels are immediately alerted the moment an anomaly or error surfaces across any environment. For those keen on delving deeper, we’ve curated a comprehensive guide on setting up log monitoring, accessible here.

datadog teams msg

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the positions of Jalan Technologies.

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