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“No Coding, All Fun: Your Journey to a ‘Hello World’ App with Bubble.io”

Ever wanted to build your own app but got intimidated by lines of code? Bubble.io is here to be your knight in shining Armor! This intuitive platform lets you create fully functional web applications without writing a single line of code. And what better way to start your Bubble journey than with a classic “Hello World” app?

Step 1: Setting Up Your Bubble Account

Head over to https://bubble.io/ and create your free Bubble account. The platform offers generous free plans for beginners, allowing you to experiment and build basic apps without any financial commitment.

Step 2: Creating a New App

Once you’re logged in, click on “Create a new app” and give it a relevant name like ” Hello World App” Bubble will then provide you with a blank canvas to start building your app.

Step 3: Designing the User Interface (UI)

This is where the fun begins! Bubble’s visual editor lets you drag and drop pre-built elements to design your app’s interface. For our “Hello World” app, we’ll keep it simple:

Add a text element and type in “Hello, World!” This will be the core message displayed by your app.

Screenshot 520

You can customize the text element’s font, size, color, and alignment as well.

Feel free to get creative! Add additional elements like images, buttons, or even background colors to make your visually appealing.

Step 4: Adding Functionality with Workflows

Bubble’s magic lies in its workflow functionality. Workflows allow you to define how your app reacts to user interactions and data changes. For our “Hello World” app, let’s add a simple workflow:

1.Add a Button Element:

  • Drag and drop a Button element onto your canvas. Name it something like “Show Message.”

2.Create the New Workflow:

  • Click on add workflow.

Screenshot 517

3.Add the Action:

  • click the “+ Add Action” button.
  • In the dropdown menu that appears, choose “Element Action and choose “Show element.”
  • Select the element containing the “Hello, World!” text you want to display.

4.Hide the “Hello World” Text Initially:

  • Click on the text element.
  • Uncheck the box(element is visible on page load) to hide the element by default.

Screenshot 519

This is just a basic example, but workflows can be incredibly powerful, enabling you to build complex functionalities like user authentication, data manipulation, and API integrations.

Step 5: Previewing and Testing Your App

Ready to see your app in action? Click the “Preview” button to enter the preview stage. Bubble provides a built-in browser window where you can test your app and interact with its elements. Identify any bugs or make adjustments before sharing it with the world.


Congratulations! You’ve now created a simple “Hello World” app without writing a single line of code. Play around, explore, and enjoy your Bubble.io journey!

Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the positions of Jalan Technologies.

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